What’s Been Done So Far

According to Midwestern Engineers, “The foundation work and accessible ramp for the Pavilion has been completed, with progress continuing on-site where the contractor has been working on installing underground electric utilities for onsite power needs.” The team is hard at work making sure everything is in place to keep the project on track.

What’s Coming Next

The electrical work is expected to be finished by the “third week of March, weather permitting.” Once that’s done, the contractor will begin “erecting the Steel Pavilion Structure as well as finishing up site grading work.” This next phase will help bring the Pavilion to life and ensure the space is ready for use.

Looking Ahead

Midwestern Engineers notes that “Installation of the Pavilion structure and grade work could extend into the middle part of April,” at which point crews will start working on the sidewalks and curb gutters. We’re aiming for “substantial completion by the end of April,” and any remaining tasks will be finished shortly after that.

The project is expected to be fully completed by May 2025, just in time for the warmer months and all the events and gatherings we have planned. The Green Space will be a wonderful addition to our community, hosting everything from farmers markets to outdoor concerts and festivals.

We appreciate your continued patience and support as we move forward with this exciting project. Stay tuned for more updates, and we look forward to seeing you all at the Green Space when it opens!

For more information or any questions, please feel free to reach out to the City of Loogootee Mayor's Office.

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