Attention City of Loogootee water customers, Loogootee Water Works customers. Loogootee Water Department will be repairing a water main leak on US HWY 50 east of Loogootee City Limits AND Scenic Hill Area. Customers EAST OF US HWY 50 AND CHURCH STREET, SCENIC HILL AREA SHOULD BOIL THEIR DRINKING WATER ONCE WATER PRESSURE IS RESTORED. Only customers in this service area should be affected and without service until repairs have been completed and service is restored. This precautionary measure is recommended because we have experienced a water main leak within this service area.

It is recommended that all cooking and drinking water be brought to a complete boil for five (5) minutes before using. Please continue to boil all cooking and drinking water until we notify you that it is no longer necessary.

We appreciate your cooperation during this time and will update you as necessary until the drinking water problem has been solved. If you have any questions concerning the drinking water problem, please contact your water department at (812) 295-1000 ext 4.

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